the collection: gems

Oh, and a by twist of good fate, you will LOVE the craft I'm making tomorrow if you love this! I don't know what really started my current obsession with gems, probably just because they're everywhere and they're geometric. They are ever so fun to draw. Stumbled across Kate Bingaman Burt's site yesterday, and I love her pretty gems all around her name. Gems are so lovable because they're shiny.

Sorry, I am just kind of heart broken because I am in the middle of reading Sense & Sensibility for my class, and Willoughby is just making my heart sad. Oh, poor, pathetic Marianne. But, it makes me so ever thankful for my modern day beau, Lukeeeeeeee. :)

Happy GEM-DAY! (I might see a gem weekend in the future.....or gem week?)