This was actually one of the best weeks. It was so fun! Luke was here for a bit, and then my family came down (this pic is from my birthday with them!) & I just feel like I've been meeting a lot of good friends and having some good quality times all around. Love that feeling!
Can you believe it's VALENTINE'S DAY tomorrow? My favorite day of the year and I've barely had anytime to do anything! I redyed my hair this week, and you can tell it is soooo pink! I love it. My hair is my big V-day project, though I wish I had all the time to make all the lovely Valentine's on pinterest. Tear.
Read this post from Promise, and now I am absolutely in love with lemon water, too! There's something about anything that is natural and is 'wrinkle-free'. I just love it. Plus, all the other health benefits? Yes, please.
Pumped to get a lot done this week, love a lot, see a lot, eat a lot and listen a lot. Life is oh so wonderful and I'm so glad we're living it together.
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